Lay Claretian Movement

The Lay Claretian Movement was inaugurated in the Nigeria Province in 1983 by Fr. Marcelo Gonzales and his team in Owerri. The Enugu branch was launched by Fr. Ralph Berg and his team. The LCM has been nurtured for so many years by some of the Claretian priests and Seminarians. The movement has spread to different parts of the country under the spiritual guidance of the priest assessors who guide and assist the members of the movement in the actualization of its missionary objectives. Functioning as a lay movement in the Church, the LCM gathers lay faithful who admire the charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret and are eager to collaborate with the Claretian Missionaries in their missionary work as much as is possible for the lay persons. Prayers, Lectio-Divina, Recollections, works of charity, lay evangelization are among the activities of this pious movement.

Co-ordinator:     08059116757, 08034839185, 08037207096